In a world where we constantly hear bad news, it is always good to hear some good news. The Gospel message is Good News! Let us understand some fundamentals of the Gospel message.
- God exists. There is a God who is perfect, holy, righteous and true. He is the Creator of all things in both heaven and earth. He loves us with a passionate, active love.
- Men and women are sinners. To sin means to fail to comply perfectly to God’s perfect standards of morality and inner character. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and all have turned their backs on God. No one can say that they are without sin because all have failed to live up to God’s perfect standards.
- Sin’s penalty is death. Eternal separation from God is the punishment for sin. Since all have sinned, all must face this punishment.
- God sent Jesus. Jesus is the only man to have ever lived that lived a sinless life. He was perfect. He is the Son of God, God wrapped in human flesh.
- Jesus paid our penalty. He was crucified on a cross for our sin. Though sinless and innocent, He died in place of the guilty ones (US!). This means our sin can be forgiven.
- Jesus is alive. He arose from the grave 3 days after His crucifixion, defeating death and assuring the way of salvation for us. He is alive today, seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He wants to be our Savior and our Lord. He will forgive us of our sins and make us born again if we ask.
Repent. That word means to “turn around.” Turn from your sinful, selfish way of life and turn to God. You must admit that you are a sinner. Recognize that you are going the wrong way and desire to go God’s way.
Receive. Ask the Living Lord Jesus Christ to be your Savior. Accept the punishment that He paid on your behalf. Ask Him to come into your heart, to wipe away all your sins, to make you born again, to put you on the road to heaven.
Receiving Christ is done with a prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. You can pray to Him out loud or in the quietness of your heart. Pray this prayer from your heart. Be very conscious of Whom you are talking to. He will hear and He will save you.
“Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and forgive me of all my sins. Than you for dying on the cross for my sin. I recognize my need for You because I admit that I am a sinner. Make me born again. Place me on the road to heaven so I can be with You forever, even after I die. Help me to follow you, to serve you and grow in my relationship with you. Thank you, Jesus. I love You.”
Now that you received Christ as your savior, you can become born again. You are a true Christian and will go to heaven when you die. Please begin attending a good Bible teaching church where you can grow in your relationship with Him and His people.
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