The 50’s Plus Ministry is here to build friendships and bear one another’s burdens through our common experience in the Lord and to share the gospel to those over 50. We are men and women of all statuses (single, married, divorced, widowed) who minister to one another through fellowship. Come join us and make some new friends! Contact the church office at 915-877-9192 for more details.
Come enjoy sweet fellowship with friends over a latte, frappe or Italian soda after services in our coffee shop. Burritos, tamales, donuts and self-serve coffee are also available. Cash is greatly appreciated. Pre-paid cards are available in $10 and $20 amounts.
Grief Share is a support group for those who have recently lost loved ones. It meets throughout the year at 11:00 am on Sunday mornings in 13 week sessions. You can join at any time. It is led by Teresa and Gerardo Yuen who can be reached at (915)491-4294 or You may also contact the church at (915)877-9192 for more information.
Please listen to this informative interview conducted with Teresa Yuen about Grief Share on Klove HERE.
The Helping Hands Ministry is available to the elderly, widows and disabled within the church who are in need of help in doing various jobs around the house. If you are in need of some help or are interested in serving others in this capacity please contact the church office at (915) 877-9192. This ministry provides a great way to be involved in meeting the practical needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Our brothers and sisters in the hospital need support, encouragement and prayer. If you know of someone who needs to be visited or would like to become a part of this important ministry, please contact Pastor Peter Fargo at (915) 877-9192 or
The Hospitality and Meals Ministry provides meals to those who have been affected by a tragedy in their life such as death or a sickness in their family. The ministry also provides meals to those who have been blessed by God with a new child being born into the family.
It is the intention of the ministry to help families get through the first days of shock due to a tragedy or the difficult first days after bringing home a newborn baby. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact the church office at (915) 877-9192.
The nursery provides child care for toddlers and infants during Sunday services at Calvary Chapel Sun City. This ministry is a wonderful blessing to the parents at the church and we are looking for servants who can help.
Please contact the church office at (915) 877-9192 to find out more information about how you can help.
Looking for warm, outgoing, friendly people to welcome visitors to the church and facilitate services at Calvary Chapel Sun City.
Please contact the church office at (915) 877-9192 for more information.