Agents For Christ - Las Cruces, NM

Agents for Christ was established in 2008.  Our ministry focuses on equipping and mobilizing the body of Christ in the areas of evangelism, missions, and discipleship. We are located in the USA with our administrative headquarters currently in Las Cruces, NM. Our ministry is an international ministry serving people throughout the US and around the world through our programs of: Tenth Hour Project, Uganda Kids Project, Got Tracts and Evangelism Minute.


Contact Dave Chaffee at

Amerasian Christian Academy (ACA)- South Korea

Our Vision

  • Provide high-quality education for all students
  • Provide supportive and loving environment for all students
  • Build confidence and love of learning for each student

Our Mission: to help each student strive for excellence in all areas of intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual development.



Behind Prison Walls Ministries - El Paso, TX

Behind Prison Walls Ministries was established by Lenny Beck.  He serves as a chaplain in several prison facilities in the El Paso, Anthony area.  Evangelism, discipleship and mentorship are the major pieces to this wonderful ministry.  Lenny and Saranda are active members at Calvary Chapel Sun City and Lenny serves as an elder at the church.

Contact Lenny at

Child Evangelism Fellowship - Rio Grande Chapter

Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.  Good News clubs are being established in every school in El Paso, and 5 Day Bible clubs are very popular as summer outreaches to children.  Vicki Johnston is our chapter President.


Contact Vicki at

Christian Medical Dental Association

CMDA educates, encourages, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God.

Christian healthcare professionals glorify God by following Christ, serving with excellence and compassion, caring for all people, and advancing Biblical principles impacting healthcare within the Church and throughout the world.


Discipleship Global - Africa

Our Mission is to raise up, train, and equip believers to become disciple makers and trainers of disciple makers in order to catalyze Disciple Making Movements and Church Planting Movements across the globe. We see that this process of witnessing about Jesus and making disciples should extend to the ends of the earth. God’s love is for everyone and His desire to love and bless everyone knows no limits. We join with His mission for His honor and glory!


Faith Christian Church Campus Ministry, Tucson, AZ

Our purpose:

  • To evangelize college students at the University of Arizona during a very crucial time in their lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To establish these students in Faith Christian Church or in other local churches in the Tucson area as the Holy Spirit leads.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Vision: To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.


Contact Brandon Wolfram:

Global Pendulum - Nepal, Kenya

Dan and Jenny Dodge

“Bringing back balance to the poor…”

Rebuilding Nepal’s Earthquake Damaged Schools Partnering with local relief organizations. Building community centers to teach local Nepalese four different vocations: tailoring, goat-raising, jewelry from trash and micro-business.

Tailoring Class Tailoring class being taught to 22 young women so they have a skill and wont be trafficked! Upon completion of five month class they keep the sewing machine so they can begin to earn a living in their village.

New Medical Clinic The new medical clinic is going up in Kimologit, Kenya!

Widows Program Village in Kenya where a widows program has begun to help 33 widows individually. They are taught a skill and will be helped with getting seed for growing corn.


Contact Dan at

Glory Reborn - Cebu, Philippines

Glory Reborn provides compassionate and holistic care to marginalized moms and babies of Cebu, Philippines and was founded by Hilary & David Overton, in July of 2003. We moved to Cebu City, Philippines to start a small clinic that would provide a much needed midwifery service to the community. On August 1, 2003 the first baby was born in the spare bedroom of our small apartment. We quickly moved the clinic to an adjacent apartment and began full operations in September 2003. Nearly twelve years later, we have seen close to 3,500 deliveries in the facility, and we are just getting started!


Harvest Hands Ministries - Juarez, Mexico

Garry and Terry Mathewson, founders of Harvest Hands Ministries, have been serving in Mexico since 1997.  This is a Christ centered ministry committed to efforts in feeding the poor, establishing churches, orphanages, and schools and reaching the lost with the gospel message.  This ministry also hosts groups from around the nation to experience life changing missions outreaches.


Contact the Mathewson’s here:

Hope For Families - El Salvador

Hope for Families Foundation is a legal non-profit in the country of El Salvador, Central America. David & Kathy Porter have been serving as missionaries since 2003.  They first served in Juarez, Mexico for about four years serving with a local ministry.  In 2007 they began with their church in Vancouver WA coming to El Salvador for short term mission trips and moved full time in January of 2010.  God has given them a burden for the women and children of this country and they offer opportunities for education, training, counseling and mentoring that will encourage healthy families and true transformation in lives.

Website: Hope For Families

Contact the Porters:

Joshua Fund

The Joshua Fund is a non-profit educational and humanitarian relief organization to bless Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, founded by Joel and Lynn Rosenberg.

The Joshua Fund is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charity.


Kingdom of Christ Ministry

James Peoples serves in Juarez, Mexico.  He reaches out to men with the gospel message and regularly holds outreaches for children in the poorest neighborhoods.

Learn more about James at his Facebook page.

International Christian Ministries

International Christian Ministries (Canada, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, DRC, Tanzania, Ghana, Burundi, USA, Togo)

Vision: To see a mature Church led by committed, passionate leaders who refuse to rest until every nation, tribe, and tongue has been reached by the grace and power of the Lord Jesus.

Purpose: to serve the Church by discipling and equipping its leaders. Our goal is to provide effective Christian witness at every level of society.

Learn more about ICM here:

Mustard Seed Cafe - El Paso, TX

The Mustard Seed Café is a NonProfit, Pay-What-You-Can Community Café. We want to tell and demonstrate the love of Jesus to every single person who comes through our doors! We serve delicious, nutritious food with an accompanying commitment to treat each person with dignity and honor.


Rescue Mission of El Paso

The Rescue Mission of El Paso serves as a member of the local body of Christ in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor and displaced while demonstrating the love of Christ.  Calvary Chapel Sun City is proud to support the Rescue Mission of El Paso.


Westside Pregnancy Center

Founded in 2019, Westside Pregnancy Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit pregnancy center that focuses on helping families in need with free resources, including pregnancy tests, essential baby items, ultrasounds, classes, and more.


Young Life UTEP - El Paso, TX

Young Life College is a program of Young Life especially for college students. While Young Life has been involved in the lives of college students since the mission’s early days, an organized outreach on college campuses is relatively new.  Cynthia Reyes is the director of UTEP’s program and is committed to evangelizing and discipling college students.


Facebook Page

Youth For Christ

YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.


Contact Meghan at